
What is the most wins a team has ever had and still missed the playoffs?

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I remember in the early 90's, before the wild card, two NL west teams both won 100 (giants and dodgers I think) but 1 didnt make the playoffs, however I dont believe that was the record. Does anyone know what the record is?





  1. in 1954 the yankees won 103 games (in a 154 game season)and finished second to cleveland--but that was '54, before todays system. Since the four team playoff format (in each league) there have been a few 90+ winners who didn't get to play in october. Somebody will alert you as to which teams they were--i had to sell my bill james abstract due to poor financial investments i made last march (i bet on the mariners this year, okay? that was dumb, okay? i admit my ignorance, okay? why must you expose my stupidity, huh? geez....) lol.

  2. Here we go again.

    Why can't something that is on a baseball reference web site be looked up by the questioner?

    Go to or baseball and follow the links.

    Please ask more pertinent baseball questions!


  3. Maybe the 93 Giants, won 103 I think, came in 2nd.  Prior to the wild card format.

  4. I don't know but I think the one you are thinking of was the Braves and the Giants and the Giants didn't make it.

  5. The 1954 Yankees and 1993 Giants both won 103 games and stayed home. I think that's the high mark. Will edit if it is not.


    Edit: nope.

    1909 Chicago Cubs, 104 wins, six behind Pittsburgh.

    1942 Brooklyn Dodgers, 104 wins, two behind St. Louis.

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