
What is the most wonderful creation of God??

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Or for those who dont believe in God ... what do u think is the most wonderful thing in the Universe.

Someone asked me this question today and i still cudnt find one single answer to it.




  1. nature is the most wonderfull creation of God. nothing except nature,  

  2. I think "BEAUTY LIES IN THE SPECTATORS EYES".So everything is beautiful in this universe.... nature, flowers, leaves, animals, parents, and so on........ n HUMANS also.

  3. HUMANS.....................................

  4. The most amazing thing about the Universe is that it is so vast that I can imagine amazing things that have not yet been discovered.

  5. Leaves.......They'll say everything....n Rain

  6. The most wonderful creation of god is Human......

  7. There was a time in my life when I would have simply said "us". But then like you, I got to a point where I was no longer sure that humanity was all that great by looking at all the pain and suffering that we cause one another. It wasn't until I searched for a reason to all our selfishness and greed that I came to an understanding. In spite of all the problems we have and the disconnection we feel as one race, that being the human one, we must find the source for our negative behavior that harms so many others. I linked a very cute video below that explains what I found to be not only our problem with each other but our solution as well. My final answer then is..US!.Best wishes

  8. What looks back at me when I look in a mirror.

  9. Chocolate.

  10. parents

  11. the most wonderful creation in our MIND

    M- making

    I- "impossible" as

    N- nothing to

    D- define

    do u agree?

  12. like for the father and mother all sons and doughters are eual the god had made everything according time to time of there moods or there thikining and they made best thing whether they are beautiful hills of world mountains lakes od  usa and rivers seas or ugly things to which are ugly but they are best in ugli ness too they made deserts thar desert and many more they are just wonderfull experinces of life if we see them pepole liviing diffrent diffrent places love there home towns soo the source is like for parents the baby's are eual like that the everything is  beautiful and wonderfull creation on there  hands  

  13. (1) At physical level it is ofcourse the human being because this is the latest development of evolution! (2) At mental level it is the feeling of satisfaction!! and (3) At spiritual level it is the event of detachment!!!

  14. Human is the Ashraf-al-Makhlokat by Holy Quran. So, Humanbeings Are most beautiful Creation of Almighty Allah

  15. Humanity is still the greatest creation as far as we know.

  16. well there r so many things dat r  wonders of dis universe. and as per my point of view its "LOVE". Bcoz it is  found everywhere like mother's love, in father's advice, brother's safetiness, sisters support, in specially lover's love, in friends friendship. all all d things u see around u is full of LOVe . dats why i think its only n only LOVE which is so wonderful in dis universe. love for nature. animal, for all . So spread lLOVE to all.  

  17. The creation of this universe and the creatures in this part our world itself wonderful creations of GOD.  

  18. Man is said to be Gods most favorite creation.

  19. The order of the universe.  

  20. Women

  21. Nature ..

  22. the most wonderful creation of god is mother

  23. the thinking power of man is a god given gift to human kind ..........................think if we should not have thinking power how could we think about god  hence gods most wonderful creation is thinking power

  24. Man is the most wonderful creation. The only one who can think and make decisions and show the Creator the love He deserves. Only if man would follow the direction God gives, then all the problems with man you mention would be gone.

  25. God created the feeling of love in our hearts..!

  26. "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them." (2 Corinthians 5:17-19)

    Such a miracle is akin to God speaking and creating the universe. A new creation in Christ is a divine event, yet hardly anyone seems to notice. (But the angels do, and they rejoice! So should we!)

  27. everything happens to me

  28. Well, God I guess, since he created himself.  If he had created a hot woman version of himself it might have been even better.  

    God is imaginary.

  29. The human is the only answer otherwise God would not sent Jesus to take our place.  Those who believes in Jesus, will make us above angels; joint heirs with Christ and royal priesthood of God.  Praise Jesus!

  30. I think it is beauty of woman as well as her love. I always wonders on woman's beauty, weather it is nude or nice dressed. Mother! the wonderful mind of mother,nothing is comparable to it's soulness-beauty of everlasting love to her children

  31. hiiiiiiiiii

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