
What is the most you've done to see a F1 televised race?

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I'm sorry, i can't decide.

You've all made some huge sacrifices in the name of our chosen sport. I think you'll pip it Val and good luck to you, but I hope you'll all understand that you've all given something of yourselves to F1 and F1 is the better for it!




  1. Sacrificing my 20 days holiday a year from work just to watch qualifying is bad enough let alone telling work to p**s off if they want me to work on a GP weekend

    Fridays i move everything aside for online streaming for Practice 1 & 2 moving driving lesson's haircuts stuff like that

    Saturday having day off work to watch qualifying

    Sunday getting up at no mans hours to watch a 4am - 5am start on a race its insane but awesome

  2. I stayed up till one to watch the start of last years Fuiji Race

    oohhh man was it worth it!

  3. Rush home ASAP after work/school like mad. The first thing that I do once at home would be to switch on the TV and if the race is already on, sit there and watch it. Only dashing to grab something to eat once the commercials come on.

    Other than that, staying up at unholy hours to watch races and having to keep my mouth shut as not to wake the entire neighbourhood. Or waiting impatiently for my PC to start up to follow the race online at times when there is no TV around. And then watching the race later if I manage to find a delayed telecast. even if it means sacrificing some sleep

  4. I stay up till 5 am or 7 am every time to watch and the retarded Fox network keeps airing it at noon and it's so hard not to find out who won before it airs! Stupid Fox!

  5. Probably the only person that still tries to use those junkish little portable Casio TVs, thank God for sky +, sometimes its impossible to see it live but haven't actually missed a race since the Portuguese GP 1996, who won?....

  6. I walked thru a room where an F1 race was accidently on my TV... Before it put me into a slumber, I changed  the channel.

    I figured nobody would pass anybody anyway... and if anything interesting happened, they MIGHT cover it on Sportscenter....

  7. when I was little, had to get out of bed.

    Then got my own tv in my room,

    Then got my own house

    Then wife took the house


  8. Televised?

    I am making a trip to Singapore to watch the F1 race in Sep.

    Its a very cheap trip and here are the booking details if you are planning to watch it too.

    Here is the plan

    Happy Race watching

  9. San Marino GP 2005 - my wife was in labour with our 2nd baby while I was watching the race on TV. Schumi was some 30 seconds behind the leader Alonso, but he was catching him at a rate of 1.5 seconds/lap. He caught up with him with 15 or so laps left in the race, and the titanic duel that followed was not something that you could just walk away from.

    I stayed and watched until the end of the race, then rushed my wife to the hospital. She gave birth 45 minutes after arriving at the delivery ward.

    Come on, if you'd watched that race, you can't blame me for being such an asss.

  10. Luckily in South Africa they always show qualifying and the races live... But one weekend we went to the Kruger National Park - A game reserve as big as Belgium... We stayed in a camp in the middle of the Park and after finding out that that specific camp did not have any TVs, my dad had to rush me to the nearest town - some 50km away - to watch the race... Just to rush back to make the curfew into the camp. Needless to say,  I didn't care too much for seeing any animals that day (except maybe the prancing horse ;-)... We could have seen a lion taking down a giraffe and I wouldn't have cared... Man, Formula 1 has mixed up my priorities!! lol

  11. For a race on TV? Probably bribing the guy at the bar in Spain. He was reluctant to put it on because Alonso was demoted.

    Cost me 20 euros to watch a race that I could have watched for free at home.

  12. No Julian you are not, I've got one in my handbag!!!! I used it yesterday when I was at Castle Combe race track until someone told me they had a TV in the bar. You would have laughed then, there was I trying to run. I can't walk properly let alone run. I'm tripping over my sticks, still holding my little Casio, cussing when the signal kept going, nearly falling over a Ferrari or two, nearly getting run over by a single seater, getting in the way of a few Evo's and generally being a pest because I can't take my eyes off the telly in case I miss the start. We then get to the bar, but to the outside. not wanting to miss the start I pressed my nose to the window and watched it from the outside until the first ad, with the trusty little Casio still playing away for the commentary!!!

    Another time I watched the races on Turkish satellite hardly understanding a word they were saying.

    Oh and the Casio used to come to work with me every time a race started after I did. I didn't watch it when I was driving, but it was always on the front seat so at least I could hear what was going on!!!

    I don't have sky plus, just a nearly worn out video recorder and a half knackered tape, but you can just about make out who is who if I have to record it lol.

  13. I was on vacation in a God forsaken place so I took my father to a restaurant and had him pay the manager to videotape the F1 race.

    I took the tape and watched it a couple of days later we got back home.

    I remember it was in Hockenheim and Senna won.

  14. Here, in Brazil, every racing are live... the channel is "Rede Globo".

    Therefore that some races are transmits in the morning, in the afternoon and others at night.


  15. The 2003 Japanese GP sticks out, I was in Germany at the time so, with German commentary some ungodly hour inthe morning, a hangover and two large, horny, female Beagles crawling and scratching allover me I was in raptures. I also had to feed them pistachios the entire duration of the race and was completely covered in dog hair. .

    I would not do this for football!!

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