
What is the most you have ever paid for a meal at a restaurant??

by  |  earlier

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What is the most you have ever paid for a meal at a restaurant??




  1. Can't remember the final bill but the shot of cognac was $45...

  2. well at this fancy brazilian resturant where they bring u the meat whole and it's crazy but i went with my boyfriend my dad my mom my bff and it was 237.00 bux!!

  3. i had the briliant idea of payin 4 my girl, and the 3 other cuples wit us. 424.73$$!!!! i was washin dishes for a while.

  4. Probably about $150

  5. $45 for the meal per person plus drink, tax and gratuity.  Came to about $160 on a cheap night for two.

  6. French Laundry table of 4.  The bill was about $2600.00 and we had reservations for over a month.

  7. not much.

    maybe $50 for just me. tip included.

    that a good dinner for me.

    couple glasses of wine and baked fish.

  8. $500.00 a giant egg

  9. Umm...I can remember going to a dinner that the total was over $400 but I didnt was a wedding rehearsal dinner.. Here lately if we go out as a family its been averaging about $25 for dinner..thats a small family of 4..

  10. TGI Fridays bill was $125 which included 4 meals and a lot of alcohol...

  11. uhhhh....more than 10 bucks but under 20!!!!!, hey. i'm only a budget doesnt let me go to those fancy restuarants...


  12. $45 for me only

    For my family and me including mom, dad, aunt, hubby, 3 kids: $150.

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