What is the most you would pay per gallon of gas before you make MAJOR changes in your lifestyle or protest? I don't mean like buying less soda during the day. I mean more like carpooling even if the hours are off (meaning sitting at work waiting or going in hours early), only driving your car when you absolutely HAVE to, pressuring lawmakers to get alternative energy pushed through faster for vehicles, riding a bike to work even if it's a long distance, or getting rid of your truck or SUV even if you need it due to your situation (kids, haul items alot, etc...)?
I ask this question because recent legislation is giving I beleive about 10 years for carmakers to increase fuel economy, however at the current rate of fuel cost increase, we'd be paying in the range of $7 to $9 a gallon by then. This I seeing being an amount that would price many people out of being able to drive. I am getting worried. Any other opinions?