
What is the most you would spend on a 2 course meal? i.e. a starter and a main course?

by Guest55665  |  earlier

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I went to a posh restraunt in Leeds in the UK on Saturday night and We got a Starter and a Main course each and a bottle of wine to share and it came to £62. Then we went upstairs to the bar and i spent another £25. Was i robbed or does it sound like a fair price for a nice restraunt?




  1. £25 excluding wine!

  2. 15 dollars, sorry dont know your exchange rate.

  3. I would say probably around $40

  4. You got a good dial!

  5. For a posh restaurant, you didn't do too badly, especially since you got wine with your meal.

    I might spend that much for a meal at a top-notch restaurant.  I would not spend that much at a chain.

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