
What is the mountain chain in central america?

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What is the mountain chain in central america?




  1. rocky baboaojababababodoidjgfkdjgkls

  2. If Central America means Mexico then that would be the Sierra Madres.

  3. Its called the Rocky Mountains located along most of California and neighboring states

  4. The Andes Mountains

  5. Central SOUTH America..... Andes....

    or please explain where you mean "central" america?

    The Andes form the world's longest exposed mountain range . They lie as a continuous chain of highland along the western coast of South America . It is over 7,000 km (4,400 miles ...

    Andes, the principal mountains of South America and one of the greatest mountain systems of the world. The Andes include some of the world’s highest peaks. More than 50 of them soar higher than 6,100 m (20,000 ft) above sea level. Only the Himalayas of south central Asia are higher. The lofty plateaus and high mountain valleys of the Andes contain some of the highest permanent human settlements in the world. The Andes are the longest system of high mountain ranges on earth. They extend for more than 8000 km (5000 mi) in a narrow belt along the western edge of the South American continent, from the coast of the Caribbean Sea in the north to the island of Tierra del Fuego in the extreme south. Along almost its entire length, the Andes rise abruptly from the Pacific coast. The mountains reach into seven countries: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina.

  6. Andes

  7. What's central america? You don't use capital letters---are we talking about.............Do your own homework!

  8. Sierra Madres

  9. consist of several parallel mountain chains separated by faults and grabens. The sierras of southern Central America

  10. Is it the burrito chain or the nacho?

  11. Rockies

  12. Central America does not include Mexico.  That is part of North America. There is information available about mountain ranges in Central America, but none that I found included any names. Possibly because the range covers so many tribal lands that no agreement could be reached as to a name for the whole thing. It is true that the Andes are called the Andes in seven different countries in South America, but none of them have as relatively large "indian" populations as Central America does.

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