
What is the musical composition in The Music Man that Amarillus is playing when Marian is teaching?

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What is the musical composition in The Music Man that Amarillus is playing when Marian is teaching?




  1. This is the song The Piano Lesson

    G, C, A, D, B, E, C, F, D, G, E, C, G, D, C

    That's the first part. I just had to figure it out from my sound track (we just did this production - I was Zaneeta yay!)

    Goodnight My Someone is like this

    C, G, E, C, G, E, D, G, F, D, G, F, B, G, F, B, G, F, C, G, E, C (an octave up)

    Hope that helped. It shouldn't be too hard to figure out from there if you have a keyboard or something to mess around with. If you don't you can go here and try and figure the rest out.

    Sorry I wasn't of more help!;_ylc=...

  2. Amarillus starts by just playing scales and arpeggios  (the individual notes in a chord)

    Her musical exercises lead to a very simple and pretty song that is cleverly melodically attached to her piano lesson playing.  

    That song becomes the very pretty melody of "Goodnight My Someone".

    Amaryllis ends up singing the last chorus as duet with Marian.

    Parts of the melody of the romantic "Goodnight my Someone" are a variation of the upbeat melody of the tittle song "Seventy-six Trombones."

    Goodnight, my someone,

    Goodnight, my love,

    Sleep tight, my someone,

    Sleep tight, my love,

    Our star is shining it's brightest light

    For goodnight, my love, for goodnight.

    Sweet dreams be yours, dear,

    If dreams there be

    Sweet dreams to carry you close to me.

    I wish they may and I wish they might

    Now goodnight, my someone, goodnight

    True love can be whispered from heart to heart

    When lovers are parted they say

    But I must depend on a wish and a star

    As long as my heart doesn't know who you are.

    Sweet dreams be yours dear,

    If dreams there be

    Sweet dreams to carry you close to me.

    I wish they may and I wish they might

    Now goodnight, my someone, goodnight.



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