
What is the name ancient Egyptian fraternity which the building of the pyramids were based upon?

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Is it resocrution, or what?




  1. It's Rosicrucian. The connection to the pyramids is the tradition that the great pyramids of Giza were not built to be the tombs of pharaohs, but were actually places of study and mystical initiation.

    Pharaoh Thutmose III, who ruled Egypt from 1500 to 1447 B.C., organized the first esoteric school of initiates founded upon principles and methods similar to those perpetuated today by the Rosi­crucian Order. Later Pharaoh Amenhotep IV, history’s first monotheist, according to the Rosi­crucians, gave a new direction to Egypt’s religion and philosophy. Amenhotep established a religion which recognized the Aton or the solar disk, as being the symbol of the sole deity, the foundation of life itself and the symbol of Light, Truth, and Joy.

    The modern day Rosi­crucian Order's historical web site is sourced below.

  2. Could be Masons.

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