
What is the name brand of the wine that is given in the catholic church?

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my dad is forcing me to ask this!!...we gO to church like every Sunday and he ALWAYS drinks wine...he likes it so much that he wants tO knO wAt kind it is!! if anyone knOws wAt kind of wine is given out at a Catholic chuch..can u please let me knO!!





  1. welches grape juice


  2. Mogen David Concord Grape - At least that is what the catholic church in my area buys. I work for a wine distributor and we sell them Mogen David concord grape.

  3. they serve that in church too, well i thought...... never mind

  4. What's the difference. It could be Night Train, it's just symbolic.

  5. its called blood of christ..

  6. Sorry different churches use different wine, tell him that its really not that strong any ways and the best thing and the worst thing you can do is ask the church, they will give you the answer but maybe look at you a little differently.  

  7. Different wines for different churches, or even different priests. I worked at a church years ago and we had to buy 3 different wines for the 3 different services. One was even a rose because the elderly priest was sensitive to reds.

    So your dad will have to ask the priest what kind of wine it is.

  8. Jesus was Jewish. He was under Mosaic law so naturally his wine would have been Jewish and Kosher for passover after all the last supper was held on the evening of the passover. I would say Manischewitz is probably what most priests use. Although according to catholic traditions what ever you have is perfectly acceptable.

  9. When I was an altar boy in the sixties, we used California port, which is pretty strong.  I think it was the hair of the dog for the Irish priest who said Mass at 6 am on week days.

  10. Any brand is acceptable.

    White wine and red wine are both acceptable for the Eucharist.

    The General Instruction of the Roman Missal, section 322 states:

    The wine for the Eucharistic celebration must be from the fruit of the grapevine (cf. Luke 22:18), natural, and unadulterated, that is, without admixture of extraneous substances.

    With love in Christ.

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