
What is the name for the highest point on a railway line?

by Guest57987  |  earlier

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What is the name for the highest point on a railway line?




  1. Dent station.

  2. Are you referring to the term "ruling grade"?  That's what a railroad calls the steepest hill that their trains have to climb.

  3. Top o' the rail?

  4. The summit.

  5. summit

  6. As far as my 14 years on the railway goes, nothing. There is no actual official name, but all the normal ones are used, summit peak, top of climb, etc.

  7. Normally "the summit", though other mountainous names are sometimes used.

    Also "the summit" will also be marked to inform line side workers where the track will change from being on a gradient to a flat or where it changes from being an uphill to downhill gradient.

  8. the crest, does it really matter though, i mean you spent all that time climbing the hill, and probably won't spend very much time on top.

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