
What is the name of a man that a woman has an affair with?

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A woman is called a mistress but what is a man called?




  1. The nonjudgmental answer is paramour.

    A paramour may be a mo*&$^ fu&$*#, a home wrecker, etc., but really he is in this capacity a paramour.

  2. Home wrecker.

  3. Gigalo

  4. In title the word closest to mistress is master, but in the sense of use the word word be gigolo. I'm not joking.

  5. adulterer...although it seems a bit polite, i think the wife would have other names for him...

    a*****e, b*****d, manwhore, cheater...yeah a lot of names if you think of it...

  6. Gigalo, I believe.

    But here's what I'd call him:

    Dirt-bag w***e.

  7. Gentleman caller ... believe it or not.  It's an old term that makes no sense.  Just like strip clubs being called Gentleman's Clubs.

  8. The other man.

  9. an a*****e.

  10. man w***e

  11. A Gigolo, plain and simple. Jerk.

  12. He is her 'Fancy Man'.

  13. Adulterer.

  14. Main Entry: adul·ter·er  

    Pronunciation: \ə-ˈdəl-tər-ər\

    Function: noun

    Date: 15th century

    : a person who commits adultery; especially : a man who commits adultery

  15. Guilty?

    If she's supporting him - he's a gigolo

    If he's supporting her - he's a sugar daddy.

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