
What is the name of amphetamine salts in Mexico?

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What is the name of amphetamine salts in Mexico?




  1. If amphetamine = to anfetamina, now you question is unclear do you are saying the salts of amphetamine? Or the commercial names?

    Commonly amphetamine is found as an sulfate salt (sulfato in Spanish) but also can be found as an  saccharate or Hcl.

    The commercial names of amphetamine in Mexico are:

    Obocel Complex®



    Amphetamine is on the highly controlled Tabla II (schedule II in the US) and very rarely prescribed. Penalties are severe for any one that distribute illegally amphetamine, or even try to buy with a non valid prescription. Also in order to buy it legally from a drug store the persons need not only a valid prescription, but one with an special code of bars and the doctor need to have an special permit from the Mexican health department (Secretaria de Salud in Mexico).

  2. Also in Mexico, you need a prescription to bay amphetamine.

    They name it "anfetaminas" .

  3. tacha

  4. ANFETAMINAS, but its highly illegal now.

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