
What is the name of an effective diet pill?

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Please don't give me a lecture about the dangers of diet pills. I know about them all and don't care to hear them again.





  2. It's called "diet and exercise".

  3. Acaiberry power 500 get it free at  

  4. I am currently using a weight loss capsule that works 100% of the time. It helps you eat less and not feel hungry basically. It is completely drug and stimulant free and has no side effects. In clinical trials it was found to be more effective than Phentermine! You can go to  to request a free sample

  5. Three steps that have really helped me are dieting, exercising, and the correct weight loss supplement for losing weight. Focus on those three things and you will lose weight considerably. I exercise 30 mins a day along with taking Proactol, a natural weight loss supplement that I saved money on at

    Good luck and stay focused = )

  6. If you want to lose weight quickly i suggest you to try Proactol. Few months ago I purchase their pills and within a month i was succesfull. I lose 3kg in under a month. Just to let you know that this pills have got any side effect they just burn the fat. I am still drinking them and all can i say they are the best. I have tryied alot of products such as hodiaa but never got a good result until i found Proactol.

    Just do little research on google about them or visit their site and have a look

  7. Be careful with diet pills--I've had some bad experiences trying some of them. What I did find to work really well though was a natural supplement of Acai berry which I actually saw on Oprah. It was a while ago, but I ordered a free sample from and it's been great for helping increase my energy, metabolism, and keeping my body healthy! I've lost weight and I feel much, much better than I did when I was on the pills.

  8. The only FDA approved (which means it's safer than others) diet pill is Alli. If you follow a diet plan while on Alli, it is really effective, you'll lose one and a half times as much on Alli as you would with out it.

    Another one that I have heard works well, and doesn't have major potential side-effects is slim quick.  

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