
What is the name of someone who refuses to eat JUST dairy??

by Guest59775  |  earlier

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vegetarian is someone who refuses to eat meat products

vegan is someone who refuses to eat all animat products including dairy.

what is the name of someone who refuses to eat JUST dairy??




  1. Their still omnivores ( meat eaters ). There is no special name for someone who doesn't eat dairy. If you eat meat, than your not a vegetarian, your an omnivore.

  2. "A smart one."

    I can't beat that answer.  :-)

    Seriously:  there isn't a name for a person who eats everything but dairy.  Now if they're vegetarian and eat eggs but no dairy, that's ovo-vegetarian.

  3. If they eat meat, eggs, fruits, veggies, grains, beans, and nuts, they're still omnivores.  

    I guess that person could say s/he's lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy.

  4. Ovo Vegetarian

  5. a non-dairy eating person. The powers that be haven't gotten around to mnaking a cool label of something like that yet

    PS ALL humans are omnivores because of the fact that they can eat both plant and animal foods. Vegetarians are omnivores who choose to eat plants only. Nothing particularly special or "cool" about about it.

  6. A smart one.

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