
What is the name of that movie??

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I cant remember the name....

You know that movie that starts in the begining and ends at the end...

rings a bell to any of you?




  1. do you mean starts at the end and goes to the beginning?..  

    I think you are referring to Memento ...  (guy has no short term memory, so the film is set up so that you have blocks of time going forward, but the plot itself is going backwards..  so you see the beginning of the scene, and then it jumps to 10 minutes earlier in the plot and moves forward again until you see where the last one began..  basically showing you in reverse, how his memory worked)

  2. Maybe you are thinking of 11:14. The movie involves several interconnected stories that converge at 11:14 p.m. The connections between the events are not apparent at first, but are gradually revealed by a series of progressively receding flashbacks:

  3. your a dumb person

  4. you mean that movie that begins in the end and ends in the beginning?


  5. if you mean the movie starts at the end and ends at the beginning, one of those movies was called Memento, starring Guy Pierce.  He has severe short term memory and has to write down clues to everything he does....really good movie if you can handle a diologue based movie instead of an action packed one.

  6. history of the world part 1

  7. Gone with the Wind - :)

  8. Monty Pythons The Meaning of life!

  9. oh of course oh man that is the best movie and then the middle!!!! no words can express the scene. priceless

  10. oh yeah! i love that movie.

    i'm glad they ended the movie at the end.

    that was a good place to end it.

  11. What happens in the movie exactly?

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