
What is the name of that movie???!?!?

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This has been driving me crazy for a LONG time now! Years ago, I used to watch this movie all the time. I THINK, not positive, Steve Martin was in it. It was kind of like Father of the Bride. It was about this father who wanted his daughter to marry this rich successful guy, but she was in love with this "rough around the edges guy". The father kept trying to sabotage her dates with the rough guy. The only scenes I really remember is there is like a scene where the rich guy comes to a family party and ends up being really sick with the flu but goes anyway. There is also a scene where everyone gets seasick. And then towards the end, they all go camping and the father gets stung by bees or something. anyone have any idea what im talking about?!?!




  1. i cant think of the name but here is a link to his films. hope this helps

  2. "She's Out Of Control" (1989) with Tony Danza I think.

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