
What is the name of that new pill???

by  |  earlier

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I need to stop smoking now! I have smoked for 17 years and I need to stop. What is the name of that new pill thats out that everyone says realy works? I need some thing to help me stop and fast. I have already tried the gums and the patches, they dont help me. Anyone know what I can do?????




  1. try that new thing advertised on tv that you put on your ear, i hear that works

  2. Chantix - I'm taking it now. Its by prescription, so you'll have to see a doctor for it - but since smoking is so awful for you any doctor will prescribe it. I got it from my gynocologist ;)

    I've been taking it for three days now, and they make ciggerettes taste awful so far.

    People who have taken it tell me that in a week or two I wont want to smoke. But for the time being, I want to smoke more than ever.

    But I know a half dozen hard core smokers who quit using it.

  3. I'm pretty sure that you are talking about Chantix as other posters have already mentioned...... To help you to make an informed decision about this new supposed "wonder" drug Chantix please check out this link, it may be of interest to you ~

    Chantix has been linked to serious neuropsychiatric problems, including changes in behavior, agitation, depressed mood, suicidal ideation and suicide. The drug may cause an existing psychiatric illness to worsen, or an old psychiatric illness to recur. The symptoms may occur even after the drug is discontinued.

    good health 2 u



  4. It is most likely Chantix.

    On May 11, 2006, it was approved by the FDA ,so it is pretty recent.

  5. Chantix

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