
What is the name of the Australian supermarket chain?

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In UK there is ASDA and TESCO, in France - Monoprix, what is Australian?




  1. Coles and Woothworths are the most popular in Queensland, also, Bi Lo, safeway, and IGA (Independant grocers of Australia) but there is also Foodland and Franklins in South Australia.

    There are probably many more but i prefer Woolworths. I am from the UK and used to shop at Tescos and in my opinion, Woolworths is pretty similar.

  2. Safeway and Coles are the most popular supermarket chains here near Melbourne, Australia.

  3. Woolworths.

  4. Which ones, Coles and Woolworths, both mongrels!!!!  They would rob their own grandmothers.................

  5. The two biggest ones are Coles and Woolworths/Safeway. But we also have Aldi (discounted), IGA, and Franklins (discounted).

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