
What is the name of the boat moses sailed?

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Yeah BTW if moses only took 2 of each animal, and the 2 animals breeded, that would be as far as it could go or else they would be like messed when they were born. :)




  1. Moses did not "sail a boat". Noah built an "ark" at Gods command. He still did not "sail" it, it was un powered, used no sails and just drifted.

    I think by "messed" up you mean "inbred". I'll pass on the obvious come back to that, but in the wild, "inbreeding" does occur in areas of small habitat that don't support a large and diverse group of animals. It can lead to problems over a few generations, if it continues, but by one generation breeding, then an offspring breeding with the origanal  animal, then on eof those breeding with one of the other liter etc etc  it can spread the gene pool enough that problems are rare. But Yes, breeding straight down the family line will cause problems.

  2. And why did they forget the unicorns? I mean, they brought green alligators, long neck geese, humpty back camels, and chimpanzees. Cats, rats, elephants - but no unicorns.

    No wonder you changed Noah's name to Moses after an oversight like that!!!

  3. Moses floated in a basket made of reeds.  His mother put him in it so the daughter of the pharoah would find him.  He did not sail a boat.

  4. As mentioned above, Noah, built an Ark for the flood.  No name is ever referred to in the bible.  The closest thing to a boat that Moses ever sailed in was a basket down the Nile as a baby.

  5. that Noah you speak of he built the arc to house 2 of each animal species

  6. If you are going to pretend to be a brilliant Bible scholar... then at least know the difference between MOSES who led his people out of Egypt and NOAH who built an ARC and put the animals in it during the flood.

    he,he,he,eh,... what a moron.

  7. Moses was found in a reed basket. Egyptians made reed boats. Noah built an ark out of wood. There are stories of a great flood in all religions.

  8. We also don't know how diverse certain types of animals were, there could have been many types of dogs; poodles, rottweilers, shepards and such.  You might think I'm wrong, but there was a raven and a dove.  They are both birds, but not the same type.

  9. Nice try, but I think it works better in person. Besides everyone knows Moses was a base-jumper.

  10. Moses crossed the Red Sea on foot he did not take a boat.

  11. ummm, Noah built the ARK, not moses. Animal inbreeding is not quite as messy as people inbreeding. He took 2 of some animals and seven of some animals, according to what God told him to take.

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