
What is the name of the country discovered by columbus?

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What is the name of the country discovered by columbus?




  1. He made several voyages to the New World, which he thought was Asia. His first voyage took place in 1492. He led an expedition of three ships: the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. On October 12, 1492, the expedition landed on a small island in the Caribbean Sea. Columbus was sure that he was close to Asia.

    His second voyage was from 1493 to 1496. This time, he took 17 ships and 1200 sailors and colonists looking for riches in the New World and a quick route to Asia. On this trip, he explored Cuba and discovered the islands of Jamaica, Guadeloupe and Puerto Rico

  2. r u serious dude?????????????

  3. usa

  4. I could've sworn he landed in Haiti, but that might've been on his 2nd trip over, where he then proceeded to butcher many of the natives living here (and where European diseases first start to ravage the Native Americans, who had no immunity at the time).

  5. He first landed in USA but thought it was India.

    I wonder why you have put this question under dining out category!

  6. Honduras

  7. America

  8. he discovered america

  9. Columbus discovered the United States of America! Duh!!! Who doesn't know that?

  10. America I thought

  11. United states of Americe

  12. Christopher Columbus discovers USA

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