
What is the name of the course that you should take up before you become a pilot of a Commercial Plane?

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What is the name of the course that you should take up before you become a pilot of a Commercial Plane?




  1. It varies across international boundaries, but the rules are similar in most countries.  In the USA, you must have a Commercial Airman Certificate and pass at least the Second Class Medical Exam.

    Virtually all commercial pilots also have the Instrument, Multi-engine, and Instructor ratings.

    These certifications will qualify a pilot to fly for hire, but will NOT qualify a pilot to fly for the airlines.  An airline pilot must also have the Air Transport Certificate (used to be a rating, but is now a separate certification), have at least 2,000 hours of flight experience, and possess a 4-year college degree.

    In all of these areas, a prospective pilot must also be a person of good character and conventional social skills.

    Good luck!

  2. Commercial Pilot Training

    Good Luck...

  3. You need a commercial pilot license to become a co-pilot on a commercial aircraft. To become a commander you'll need flying experience as a co-pilot and the airline transport pilot license. Most states have government sponsored flying clubs that offer CPL training, some airlines offer training programs as well.

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