
What is the name of the ending and beginning song of D. gray man,and artist name?

by Guest61516  |  earlier

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I love the songs but i seem to not find a name for them any were and i have no clue who sings it. because i want to download those songs and listen to them anytime i want to. so if you know the name tell me please it will be greatly appreciated.




  1. OST 1 - Innocent Sorrow by Abingdon Boys school

    Ending 1 - Snow kiss by Nirgilis.

    I think you can probably download them off of

  2. 1st ending- Snow kiss by NIRGILIS

    2nd ending- Pride of Tomorrow by JUNE

    3rd ending- Yume no Tsuzuki he by surface

    4th ending- Antoinette Blue by Nana Kitade

    1st opening- Innocent Sorrow by Abingdon Boys School

    2nd opening- Brightdown by Tamaki Nami

    3rd opening- Doubt & Trust by access

    4th opening- Gekidou by UVERworld

    You can download them from here:

  3. Opening Theme:

    #1: "INNOCENT SORROW" by abingdon boys school (eps 1-25)

    #2: "Brightdown" by Nami Tamaki (eps 26-51)

    #3: "Doubt & Trust ~ダウト&トラスト~" by access(eps 52-)

    #3: "Doubt & Trust ~ダウト&トラスト~" by access(eps 52-76)

    #4: "Gekidou" by UVERworld (eps 77-)

    Ending Theme:

    #1: "SNOW KISS" by NIRGILIS (eps 1-13)

    #2: "Pride of Tomorrow" by JUNE (eps 14-25)

    #3: "Yume no Tsuduki e" by surface (eps 26-38)

    #4: "Antoinette Blue" by Nana Kitade (eps 39-51)

    #5: "Anata ga Koko ni Iru Riyuu" by Rie fu (eps 52-64)

    #6: "Wish" by Sowelu (eps 65-77)

    #7: "Regret" by Mai Hoshimura (eps 77-)

    #8: "Changin" by Stephanie (eps 90-)

    I recommend all the songs  

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