
What is the name of the landmass that is consisted of Asia, Europe and Africa?

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I read somewhere there is a name for it but I forgot what.




  1. pangaea

  2. africa-eurasia??,,i think....

  3. I don't recall ever having read a name myself, but either Africa-Eurasia or Africa-Asia-Europe would be logical possibilities.  I'd opt for the former seeing as it's shorter.


    <<The world started as just one mass of land called Pangea. Consisting of all the continents.>>

    That's not only irrelevant.  It's also wrong.  The world didn't start out in that way at all.  Rather, Pangea is a megacontinent that just happened to form in the latter Permian, approxiamately 3.75 billion years after the oldest known remains of rocks on the planet formed.

  4. Eurafrasia or Afro-Eurasia

    I would call it:

    Afrieuroasia (4 first letters of each continent)

  5. The world started as just one mass of land called Pangea. Consisting of all the continents.

    As the plates started to move around, Pangea split into to masses, The South and the North.

    The Northern mass was known as 'Laurasia'.

    The Southern mass was known as 'Gondwana'.

    This was arond 200million years ago in the Triassic Period.

    Here is a picture:

  6. Afro-eurasia, Afrasiaor or Eurafrasia.

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