
What is the name of the largest number ever counted to, on record?

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What is the name of the largest number ever counted to, on record?




  1. infinity--it's symbol is like a number eight, but sideways

  2. The largest number ever recorded is how many people Chuck Norris owned

  3. most likely 1006

  4. Probably the number of protons in the universe. (it's an estimate) It's a figure that is 102 digits long and all different digits. Not just 1 with 100 zeros after it. The biggest number known is a googleplex. A google is 1 with 100 0's after it and a googleplex is 1 with a google amount of 0's after it... it's huge. Curiously there are only just enough protons in the universe to write it down, and that's using one proton per number...

    i got it off of a person who answered this Question

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