
What is the name of the latest Nelson Eddy/ Janette Mcdonald single please?

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What is the name of the latest Nelson Eddy/ Janette Mcdonald single please?




  1. Their 1936 version of the Indian Love call has been entered into the 2008 Grammy Hall of Fame.

  2. "When I'm calling you" ?

  3. I thought it was  "When I'm calling you.

  4. indian love call ;but i remember them from{bitter sweet} when nelson eddy is killed in a fencing duel ;and she sings; {ile see you again,}i still get goose pimples;/ ilike all types of music;most modern stuff .rock to classic;but i still think they were great to-gether;ah well.;s o much for nostalgia;.

  5. Their 1936 recording of "Indian Love Call" is a 2008 inductee in the Grammy Hall of Fame.

    I suspect this is the one you are referring too?

    You can listen to it on here;

  6. 'Will you answer................?

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