
What is the name of the martial art where they use their voice to stop an attacker?

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The frequencies from the voice cause enough pain to stop an attacker.




  1. I think they call it Badobreatho....akin to the ancient art of whatafumo, which comes from not bathing nor brushing one's teeth for an extended period of time.

    Seriously, I have no bloody idea, good luck.

  2. HAHHAHHAHHHH!!!!!!!!!

    that ought to stop them filthy lizzard men in there tracks. Now let us stomp them with our amazing karate feets.

    Sorry no such real thing.

    However a good shout in the attackers face acompanied by a well aimed kick or punch may slow them down a bit. LoL

    Sorry for the little fun at your expence. I wish it were a true art I would love it . At my age the spraines and bruses take longer and longer to heal.

  3. Kiai shown on the BBC show Mind Body and Kick a@@ moves.

    master Sasaki  Hida-shiki Kyouken-jutsu

    in the movie below, he rings  a bell just by using his voice.

    search youtube for Kiai. and look for the guy in red.

  4. Capoeira! LInk below.

  5. Have you ever been in a situation where you experienced a unity through sound? Maybe it was in the church, or perhaps while chanting ‘Om’ in yoga, or as part of a band or choir. Did it feel like you were part of something bigger than yourself? Like the sum was greater than all the parts?

    Sound Healing training in Hawaii takes  place at Chozen-ji Zen dojo. One of the key principles learnt is that sound = vibration. Even silence has it’s own vibration and different silences have different qualities. Many spiritual practices use sound (in the form of mantras, or chants) to tune into universal energy. Students learn how to develop our hara (belly, place below the belly button, considered to be the source of your power) so that our kiai (force or energy) could be stronger, cleaner, clearer. One of the exercises  performed is ringing a bell with your shout. You use 3 different kias: “ei”, “toh”, “yah”. It is incredible to listen as the bell rings back in response to kiai.   Also seen on the TV show, 'mind, body & kickass moves'.

    The video link is the third one down - Episode 1 Part 3.

  6. its a technique used to startle your opponent its a shout or a kia or ki differernt spellings- when you see karate dudes or watever breaking wood and bricks when they shout thats their kia/ki. the actuall shout can be practised and is very effective in a fight

    the old school bouncers and street fighters would use it to get into their attackers mind and scare them bascially

    nowadays you can use it to scare your own attackers but it has to sound confidant and powerful

    a typical 'street' ki would be something like ' im gonna rip you fu******king head off etc etc' short but simple. keep in mind that just saying this will rarely stop an attacker, be prepared to actually fight.

    best of luck with it


  7. I dont believe that it is possible to cause pain using your voice (but would be open to any proof), but in many martial arts a 'kia' is used. This is some kind of shout and it is true that this can startle your opponent and give you the edge in a fight.

  8. There is an ancient chinese kungfu known to most inner style as Shaolin Lion Roar.

    It was also featured in Jackie Chan's movie Shaolin Chamber of death.

    Currently most practitioners can be found in southern China. probably descendants of Wong Yan Lam

  9. It's called Kiaijutsu. It's more than simply using the voice to inflict pain, but rather projecting intention. They teach it in Shintaido in conjunction with Sakkijutsu.

    I'm not saying anything about the legitimacy. Just trying to answer the question.

  10. No voices can ever do that to me.

    Unless they say something like "I have a gun!" or "You're fired!".

  11. only bette midler is capable of doing that.

    it is not something that can be learned, it is something you must be born with.

    outside of bette midler anyone telling you you can do that is full of c**p.

  12. Don't think there is one.

  13. Your thinking of the Yellow Bamboo folk.

    Other fraudalent places also try to capitalize on it.

    It is all pretty much pure bullshido.

    Do a search on

    The Amazing Randi, (the guy with the million dollar prize for anyone who can show true supernatural powers) has done a few write ups.

    Also has more than a few videos of them in action, including people putting them to the test.

    I know some other arts claim it, but it is a big thing with the Yellow Bamboo group.

    Hope that is of some help,

  14. go to youtube and look up "Mind, body, kick a(ss) moves". Its a documentary on martial arts. I can't remember which episode it was but there is one where some old Japanese guy would let out a really lowd shout and his opponent would go unconscious. It is a strange art where the practitioner strengthens their lungs and abs to the point that they can exhale shock waves. At some point in the interview the old guy says that his master can kill small birds with his yell!!!

  15. As far as I know there isn't one like that.

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