
What is the name of the medicine used to treat reflux in babies beginning with z ?

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What is the name of the medicine used to treat reflux in babies beginning with z ?




  1. infants diagnosed with reflux get Zantac.

  2. Until researchers discover the root cause of acid reflux, a complete cure is not possible. There are, however, many different treatment methods available.

    Most children will outgrow acid reflux in their first year of life and may not require anything more than careful position and feeding techniques. Only a few babies continue to reflux after age two. It is uncommon for acid reflux to continue past early childhood but it does happen.

    Babies with reflux need to be positioned so gravity can help keep the food from coming back up out of the stomach. Many babies with acid reflux are held upright almost every waking minute. In the past it was recommended that babies with reflux should never be left on their backs because refluxed food may be aspirated into the airway or lungs more easily in this position. Babies with reflux were always kept in a prone (face down) position when sleeping. These positioning instructions are now being questioned in light of the Back to Sleep Campaign. Only you and your doctor can determine whether the risk of SIDS or the risk of reflux aspiration is greater for your child. If your child experiences apnea or misses breaths, consult your doctor immediately. An apnea monitor may be used to determine whether your baby is safer on his or her back or stomach.

    Often the head of the crib is raised to let gravity help keep your child's food down. A baby older than about three months will slide slowly to the bottom of a raised mattress. There are sheets with pockets available to remedy this problem. See the products page and ads.

    Feeding instructions include positioning the baby vertically, thickening formula so it will splash less, burping frequently, adjusting the size of meals and avoiding spicy, fatty and acidic foods.

    There are several types of medications used in the treatment of acid reflux: (see also our special newsletter on medications)

    Antacids - Neutralize stomach acid.

    Motility medicines - also prokinetic medications. These increase the muscle tone of the digestive tract and keep the food moving better. Bethanechol (Urecholine) and metoclopramide* (Reglan) are the only ones currently used in the United States. Erythromycin and anti constipation medicines are sometimes used for this purpose. Cisapride (Propulsid) was withdrawn from the US market in July of 2000 and is only available in special circumstances. Cisapride and domperidone are available in many countries. * Metoclopramide has significant side effects. Read the article in the Reading Room about it.

    Acid Suppressers - Suppress acid production in the stomach, including: cimetidine (Tagamet), famotidine (Pepcid), ranitidine (Zantac). and Nazitidine (Axid).

    Acid Blockers - Completely block acid production in the stomach. Omeprazole (Prilosec) and lanseprazole (Prevacid) are approved for use in children of certain ages. Rabeprazole (AcipHex) and pantoprazole (Protonix) are used for adults.

  3. Mark, try the following---- with your fingertips----- run down your babies sternum until you reach the opening of the stomach, now gently rub down towards the feet. this will close the valve which is causing all the acid to go up into the esophageal tube.

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