
What is the name of the song played at half time at a warrington wolves match.?

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what is the name of the song played at half time at a warrington wolves match,it sounds like kasabian,but im not sure please help.




  1. Red Red Robin

    When the red, red robin comes

    Bob, bob bobbin’ along, a - long,

    there’ll be no more sobbin’ when

    He starts throbbin’ his old, sweet song.

    Wake up, wake up, you sleepy head;

    get up, get up, get out of bed.

    Cheer up, cheer up -- the sun is red.

    Live, love, laugh and be hap - py.

    What if I’ve been blue,

    now I'm walk - in’ through fields of flow’rs.

    Rain may glisten, but still I list - en for hours and hours.

    I’m just a kid a - gain,

    do - in’ what I did a - gain,

    sing - in’ a song

    When the red, red robin comes

    Bob, bob bobbin’ along.

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