
What is the name of the square that helps predict what your kids will look like?

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In 7th grade science I learned about a square that you draw and divide into four and like write for example eye colors and it'll help predict what your kids eye colors will be? and how does it work?




  1. Punnet Squares for genetics

    Say for height (T = tall (dominante) t = short (recessive)

    TT tall parent tt short parent

    All the children will be Tt tall heterozygous  

  2. genetic probability chart thing?

    i'll be using T and t... say the mom has genes Tt and the dad has genes TT

    draw a box and divide into 4 little squares. on the top for the FIRST SQUARE write T... the right square on the top right t

    on the side top square (the one that has T on the top) put a T and below that on the bottom left box but another T

    for the first square with T and T on the top and left side, put TT.

    for the second sqaure on the right of the top put Tt

    for the first bottom square put TT again. and the right bottom square Tt again.

  3. i know what you are talking about. oh my gosh i cant remember the name! its PUNNETT SQUARES!

  4. Its called a Punnett square. Just fill in the dominant and recessive geans, and it gives you a good idea of what your kid might come out like.

  5. its called a Punnett square.. i love using those

    u  use both parents genes. and its basically just probability...

  6. Punnett square  

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