
What is the name of the suicide game that people play with a revolver?

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It's when someone spins the bullet chamber and expect to guess that when he pulls the trigger nothing will happen.




  1. I don't know exactly what it is but why did you ask?  Are you or someone you know, considering doing this?  Sucicide is a bad, bad thing.  No matter who you are, people will be affected deeply by a suicide.  To know that they could have done something to help, but didn't, is just overwhelming.  Don't kill yourself.  You don't want all the guilt that your family/friends will feel.

  2. Russian Roullette.

    It's a terrible game to play, I hope you're not considering it lol.

  3.       First of all, are there any bullets in the chamber?  

  4. Russian Roulette. Terrible Terrible SEnseless Game!!!!!

  5. Variations

    It is assumed, probably solely based on some cinematic depictions, that two players either take turns spinning and firing the revolver so that each successive turn has an equal probability of failure (1/6 or 16.6%) or that the players simply take turns without spinning the cylinders until one is shot. In the latter case however, the player who takes the first turn has a significantly higher risk than the second player when only playing with two players, because the first player is more likely to take more turns when there are an odd number of chambers. If playing with more than two players, still without re-spinning, the latter players can better predict their odds when it becomes their turn. If playing with six players and the game lasted to the sixth player his probability of losing would be 100%. In the former case, where they respin the chamber, the game could continue indefinitely and gamblers could presumably only wager on which players will survive and how many turns the game will last.

    [edit] Semi-automatic pistol

    Unlike a revolver, using a semi-automatic pistol, if a round is chambered, cocking and pulling the trigger will fire the chambered round and load another round, if available, making the odds 100%. Use of a semi-automatic pistol in Russian roulette is usually due to misunderstanding. Firing a semi-automatic pistol, thinking it is empty, when in fact it was loaded, would not constitute a variation of the Russian roulette, but an accident.

    The humorous Darwin Awards, which grant their dubious honor to those who have "removed themselves from the human gene pool because of an act of extreme foolishness," awarded a man who played Russian Roulette with a semi-automatic pistol, apparently unaware that his odds of the firearm discharging were one, or 100%.[1]

    [edit] Simulation (toy gun)

    A toy gun that simulates the game and game conditions (rotating cylinder with six "chambers" or chances of "firing") can be employed as a non-lethal version of the game. Examples include cap guns with a rotating cylinder and a single loaded cap, a Nerf gun with a rotating cylinder, (most often the revolver-shaped Maverick) an electronic toy gun similar to those used for laser tag, or a video game light gun connected to a computer programmed for Russian roulette simulation. There is also a toy version available in Japan that uses a balloon, with one chamber containing a pin used to pop the balloon. All players put money in the pot. Each player in turn pulls the trigger, and when the gun discharges, the person holding the gun is eliminated from the game. The last player remaining wins the pot.

    [edit] Metaphor

    The term is also used in reference to any potentially lethal form of risk taking, where the person is in effect gambling with his life.

    [edit] Drinking game

    A six pack of canned beer instead of a revolver is used in a slightly more humorous version known as "beer hunter" (a play on the title of the film The Deer Hunter which extensively features Russian Roulette). This version of Russian roulette is made popular by Bob and Doug McKenzie on their Great White North album. A third party removes a random can from the six pack and shakes the can of beer vigorously and places it back in the six pack, then two contestants who have no knowledge of the shaken beer's placement draw a beer from the six pack. They place the can of beer as close to their head as possible and open the pop top. The shaken beer will spray the loser while the other five beers are uneventful. This game is most often played in public where the loser is openly ridiculed, and becomes more effective when the participants are already drunk as a sober person can easily feel the difference between a shaken and non-shaken can.

    In a more lethal drinking game, a Darwin Award was given to a group of men playing Russian Roulette with fireworks. The men placed fireworks in their mouths and lit the fuses; the "winner" was the individual who delayed the longest before spitting out the firework. [1]

    [edit] Russian darts

    Russian darts is a sport invented somewhere in the 2000s in Russia, where instead of playing Russian roulette with a human life a darts board is used. Each person has a turn, before which he places a cartridge in three chambers of a revolver, and in his turn he shoots three times in a row. The winner is the one getting the most points at the end of the game.

  6. It's called Russian Roulette.

    It's a very dangerous game that usually has gambling involved and the money winnings are higher the more number of bullets u put in the revolver. People that are actually skilled in knowing when to stop the revolver can make a crapload of money from it.

  7. It's called Russian Roulette.  If you play it once you may never play it again.

  8. Russian Ru let. Why? Please don't play that game. Its crazy are you trying to kill yourself. Go talk to someone right now.  

  9. Russian roulette. Usually one bullet is put in the chamber.

  10. Russian Roulette

  11. Russian roulette. You are supposed to put only ONE bullet in the chamber, spin it take a shot and pass it.

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