
What is the name of the test that you can use to find out if a child has behavioral problems?

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This is for a class that I have. And if I am not mistaken there is a test that they do. And I looked on the internet and can not find the answer




  1. BASC-2: Behavior Assessment System for Children

    I have found this to be a quick and helpful test that helps to determine where a child's area of need is.  It comes with a set of questions for the teacher, parent, and student.  You can look it up on line for more specific information, but I think it might be what you are looking for.

  2. That is a pretty general question.  There are lots of tests.  Without the right context it is difficult to answer.

    Can you say what you are studying in your class?  What kinds of tests?  MMPI is a pretty common test.  It is the minnesotal Multiphasic Personality Inventory.

    However, there are all kinds of tests concerning behavior issues.

    I do not know what the first answerer was talking about as you were not looking for help with your child but with a class you have.  

    Good luck.

  3. I think you should call your local school districts head of Special Ed and ask her/him. Sorry don't know the answer.  Children with special needs can have something called an IEP. It is not a test though it is an individual Educational Plan. It is designed to help the student to succeed better in school.

  4. Functional Analysis - determines behavioral function.

    The most effective behavioral tool in order to find out why people engage in problem behavior, and then treat them.

    Other tests derived from this are FBA, BFA.

    and pen and paper tests (MAS, FAST)

    All assist in determining behavioral function.

  5. You can try the Auchenbach's test or the Connor's rating scales.  They test for ADHD.   The Connors tests for ADHD, ADD (also known as ADHD inattentive type) and ODD (oppositional defiance).  It also tests for something else, but I forgot.  These are quick ones...quick circle the answer types.

    The BASC2 is a really good one, but it's a long one.  Usually comes along with a huge family history thing.

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