
What is the name of the train line or service that goes from Austria to Turkey?

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What is the name of the train line or service that goes from Austria to Turkey?




  1. I think it is the Orient Express.

  2. HI

    Hi the true name you might think of is the Simplon Orient Express.

    By the 1920s and 30s there were a whole inter-connecting network of Wagons-Lits company trains with 'Orient Express' as part of their name in addition to the Orient Express itself.  The Orient Express has always run from Paris Gare de l'Est via Munich, Vienna & Budapest, whereas the Simplon Orient Express started running in April 1919, taking a Southerly route from Calais and Paris Gare de Lyon to Milan, Venice, Trieste, Zagreb, Belgrade, Sofia and Istanbul.

    These days, the train which most people mean when they talk about the Orient Express is the Venice Simplon Orient Express (VSOE).  The Venice Simplon Orient Express is a privately-run train

    Don't confuse the real Orient Express (a scheduled railway service between Paris and Vienna) with the Venice Simplon Orient Express (VSOE) run by VSOE Ltd, a special train of restored vintage ex-Wagon-Lits Company sleeping cars, or the Nostalgic Orient Express, a similar operation.  The VSOE is the one most people have heard of, costing about £1,400 ($3000) or more per person from London to Venice

    The Venice Simplon Orient Express website

    Some years ago in the European timetable change in June 2001, the Orient Express was cut back to running just from Paris to Vienna.  It lost its daily through couchette car and seats car from Paris to Budapest, and its twice weekly through sleeping-car from Paris to Bucharest.

    The route:

    The Orient Express now runs just Paris-Vienna as a normal scheduled train with seats, couchettes and a sleeping-car.

    The Orient Express remains in the timetable as the overnight Paris-Vienna train, but no longer travelling beyond Vienna.

    From Vienna to Turkey

    if you want the regular service, you have 2 differrent routes:

    1) The train from Vienna (Austria) To Budapest (Hungary), will be on board of a Euro-City Train.

    Budapest to Bucharest

    on the "Ister" , a comfortable  Sleeper Train and then from Bucharest to Istanbul on the "Bosfor" also a sleeper train.

    2) The train from Vienna to Belgrade ('Beograd' in Serbo-Croat) on the 'Avala'. Belgrade to Istanbul on the Balkan Express".

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