
What is the name of the video with aaliyah in it when she winks with the sucker in her mouth?

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I see it on youtube all the time. She has the lollipop in her mouth takes it out and winks. There is no audio so i don't know what it sounds like.. Thank You.




  1. shoudln't the name be on youtube where you found it? just guessing.

  2. <--big fan of aaliyah lol I'm only 13 and I love old skool music more than music today!

    Alot of people still wonder where the 'aaliyah with a lollipop' clip from the 'Miss You' video is originally from. Well here it is. Timbaland & Magoo - 'We At It Again' music video off of the Romeo Must Die soundtrack. Aaliyah only made a short appearence in this, so I literally only uploaded the candy shop scene. (My-Boy-Lollipop)

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