
What is the name of the well known group that sets their clocks a few minutes ahead of regular time?

by  |  earlier

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Do you know the reason that they do this?

(I'm probably not asking this in the right section..but I don't know which other section to go to. )




  1. The lets not be late crowd???...

  2. me,,,,, so I can hit the snooze button more often

  3. its the people there before you group

  4. Um, "procrastinators"?  "Those who sleep in"?  "They who are always late"?

    I always have my clocks slightly ahead of time because I am always running late.  My alarm clock is fast by an odd number of minutes so I can't calculate how much longer I can sleep in.

    Pathetic isn't it?

  5. Newfy's or Newfoundlander.

    They are 1/2 hour ahead of everybody.

  6. Anal retentive.

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