
What is the name of the yucatan penninsula city that Tim Robbins talks about going on shawshank redemption?

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The place souds like zooatanaya




  1. Click on the link below.

  2. They both got it right but didn't correct you on the Yucatan peninsula.  Zihuatanejo is on the Pacific Coast

    The actual beach used in the movie was not anywhere near Zihuatanejo

  3. Zihuatanejo - right near Ixtapa.  Great resort area!

  4. Soon after, Red is finally released on parole. After trying to cope with life outside prison (and being given the same job and apartment Brooks had had years earlier), he recalls his promise to Andy shortly before Andy's escape. Red finds money and instructions hidden in the field, and eventually reunites with Andy in Zihuatanejo on the coast of Mexico.

  5. Didn't see the show but if I recall the book correctly...Zihuatanejo, " could I forget such a pretty-sounding word."

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