
What is the name of this London shop selling Militaria?

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It was mentioned today on tv about a shop on Lots Road, off Kings Road, London selling Militaria type art.

They sell old missiles and parts from aircraft, etc and some of it has been turned into sculptures and art as well as general militaria, etc.

I've done a few searches on the address but didn't come up with anything.

I only know it's Lots Road, it might not even be specifically a Militaria shop.

Thanks in advance.




  1. I could only find this link below...but its for the Jack Russell at the Army Museum just off the Kings Road, on Royal Hospital Road Chelsea, still looking if I can find you a link for business's in Lots Road

    Ahhh the second link shows business's etc in Lots Road...I haven't looked down it.....should be doing work, but hopefully you will be able to find what you are looking for.

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