
What is the name of this food??

by  |  earlier

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err. hello people~ i have a very funny and possibly stupid question to ask you all....that is:WHAT IS THIS FOOD?

It has a hard base, and it has a berry taste in the purple part, and its soft as well....well, my friend gave them to me and she doesn't know what it is but she said that it is delicious. So I took them.

Thank you if anyone could tell me what they are and how to cook them...><~~




  1. look like blueberry tarts looks to share.

  2. by the look of them i&#039;d say it was wild berry tarts,if they are all you would have to do is blend some different berries in a blender freeze them a little and put that mixture on little flan cake bases.with the mixture you could add a bit of vanilla ice cream to thicken the mixture with the berries

  3. it is blueberry tart with icing on top,you don&#039;t have to put icing on top if you don;t want it,you could eat it with icecream,whip cream,icing,and a nice hot cup of tea,ok maybe coffee..

  4. Not completely sure but they look like frangipanes. the top looks a bit different though, so may have another name because of that...

  5. its a blueberry tart.

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