
What is the name of this plant?

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I was recently given this plant by a friend that he had propagated, but he didn't know the name of it. What is it and how do I take care of it.




  1. looks like a coleus.  keep it in a sunny window with enough water to keep it moist.  if you plant it outside duringthe summer, make sure you put it in the shade.

  2. Your plant is a  "Moon Valley" Pilea, (Pilea involucrata).  It is native to Central and South America and grows in a low growing creeping pattern as it gets larger, but will be an upright plant to about 1' in  height or width.  It does flower, but they are not anything to look at, so I suggest pinching them back if you see them form.  

    This cool little plant received it's name from all the craters and valleys in it's leaf... hence "Moon Valley" Pilea.

    These inexpensive plants are easy to keep. Place your plant in bright filtered or indirect light. Most "Moon Valley" Pilea are in small containers, so check for watering twice a week until you become familiar with it's needs. Allow the soils surface to dry to the touch between waterings. Feed monthly with a balanced liquid food such as Peter's Plant Food. Cuttings are easy to propagate in either water, vermiculite or moist potting soil.

  3. Thats not a coleus, theres no color varigation in the leaves, I have no idea what it is though

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