
What is the nameof the guy who does the voice in ALL movie trailers?....he has such a distinct voice..?....?

by Guest67195  |  earlier

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i would love to ssee a YouTube clip of him in 'action'......




  1. Don LaFontaine

    I know its a commercial, but he really is the announcer guy

  2. Don LaFontaine has done quite a few. Here's his profile on Wikipedia...

  3. His name is Donald LaFontaine, also known as the Movie announcer guy, and the link for the youtube video is below  

  4. There are a number of men who voice the movie trailers, but Don LaFontaine is best-known. You might find this video, "5 Men in a Limo", interesting, as it shows LaFontaine and other men behind the voices:

  5. His name is Don LaFontaine. He did a Geico commercial also. The YouTube clip is at and there are also other clips of him in action listed there.

  6. They chose they guy who does the voice in the trailers so that his voice would fit a certain criteria. That is why all those guys seems too have similar voices, they might even create the illusion they are the same person.  

  7. i don't know

    great question though

    I've always wondered that also

    he has that deep voice

    i love it.

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