
What is the nastiest thing you've evr smelled ?? answers in sealed containers please.?

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I visited Germany many years ago as a footballer and was invited to a household where i was given some cheese to try, and prior to trying it obviously i smelled it, and i can honestly say it's the most memmorably putrid smell i have ever smelled, and needless to say i am particular about putting either my nose or tongue to cheeses that have to many colours in them, though i do love cheese.




  1. smoke exausted from vehicles. since form child now i am addicted to this SPECIAL smell.

  2. Very close to where i live is a recycling plant,Which recycles green waste into compost ,The stench is un believable.After many complaints to the enviormental agency,At long last they are going to move .This has gone on for over two years.

  3. A rotten egg....

  4. My cat got sprayed in the face by a skunk.  Nasty, overwhelming and putrid.  Sort of like having an onion shoved up your nose for a few weeks.

  5. my partners farts

  6. Well rotting flesh is one that is definitely near the top of my list, but if you work with it a lot, it doesn't get better but you sort of get conditioned to it.  I can honestly say the worst and weirdest smell I've ever smelled is durian fruit.  There's no other smell like it in the world, it kind of permeates everything if you have it sitting out in the open.

  7. So far as I can remember  it was my own f**t.  Previous to that was someone who made a p**p in the library bathroom just as I walked in to use the same one she used.....she made a stinky!  O well....shet  happens ☺

  8. My baby brother a**.

  9. I actually have two answers for this. The first was a dead human body that had been shut up in a sealed Airstream trailer in July.

    The second was when I was digging a hole and struck a plastic bag that someone had apparently buried a dead animal in so long ago that it had liquefied.

  10. I opened a sealed pouch of catfood for my moggy once and the food inside had gone rancid. That was the most unbelievably disgusting smell ever. Brought tears to my eyes.

  11. I must admit that whilst in Germany some years ago I was given some kind of sausage to eat and it smelt so bad I could not put it into my mouth

  12. As a kid my sister and I each had a pet chicken and they laid eggs that were always rotten so we would gather them and have rotten egg battles, that was pretty bad.

    Putrid flesh is by far the worst smell ever.  I worked in a pharmacy and a guy came in with his foot all wrapped and the pharmacist went to take a look at it.  WHEW!!! It was the nastiest thing.  Swollen, bruised, yellow, and rotten.  The pharmacist sent him to a doctor.

  13. I work as a secretary for the NHS and I work next door to a treatment room, this door is always kept open and last week an old lady was in to get her dressings on her legs changed, the sores that she had had gone septic and the whole room stunk of rotten flesh for hours, i could taste it in my mouth all day and it was the vilest thing I have ever smelt in my life apart from my sons nappies

  14. Being down wind from a gelatin factory on a hot summer's day as they are rendering the hooves of pigs and cows for the protien needed to make the gelatin.

  15. rotten, putrefying pumpkin. absolutely horrific smell.

  16. The smell coming form a chocolate factory in York really made me ill.  Followed closely by the Coffee factory in Banbury, thats awful too..

    To Momof3.  Well done to you for being such a caring nurse when others wouldn't touch the lady.

  17. rotten eggs

  18. My own farts ROFLH... ROFLH... LOL

  19. my bathroom just after my dad's been for a number two blwraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarwrwr!!!?!!

  20. The smell of blood vessels being cauterized in a hospital theatre, while doing work experience during high school. Thankfully I can block my nose internally, because the smell of burning human flesh was disgusting.

    My son's nappy doesn't smell that bad in comparison, even after eating garlic.

  21. that rank smell of death i was on the tube and everyone had to get off because someone had jumped in front of the tube and you could smell it it was so discusting i wanted to be sick

  22. A decaying rabbit covered in maggots. Which we had to do a postmortem on to find the cause of death. God just thinking about it now is making me gag!

  23. Rotting flesh is the worst smell I have ever smelt in my life. once worked on a ward that dealt with cancer and a women come in from A@E straight from home. She had found a lump in her breast but was to scared bless her to go any where and it had eaten away at her body poor woman the smell was really bad and I was only nurse who would dress her wound as I felt she needed her dignaty returned.

  24. Goats cheese was the grimmest thing i have ever smelled.

    It was absolutley vile, it made me gag.

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