
What is the national flower for Brazil... or if there is none, the state flower for Rio de Janeiro??

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Brazileans please help! Thank you!!!




  1. Found 4 sites that list the national flower of says the orchid, two say ipe-amarelo, and the other says tecoma alba.

  2. I know in the states We have a flower for each state and all, but as far as I know, there is not a Brazilian flower. What we do have is a Brazilian tree called PAU BRASIL, that has a red wood and its tipical from the country. Other than that, the closest thing we´d have to a flower would be a water lilly called "vitoria régia".  

    Does that help ? If not, let me know so I can make some more research on your behalf, ok. Good luck.

  3. It's the flower of the tree called Ipê-amarelo (Tecoma chrysostricha). The word "amarelo" means yellow, because we have ipês also in purple and white. So is not just the "Ipê", it's the "yellow-ipê.

    Amongst the great universe of native plants of the country, ipê always was considered the Brazilian national tree. On December, 7 of 1978, the law nº 6507 came to declare that Pau-Brasil (Caesalpinia echinata) would be national tree and the flower of Ipê tree, became the nacional flower. It also established, moreover, that day 3 of May would be, from there for ahead, the Pau-Brasil Day.

    Picture of a yellow Ipê tree :

    Take care

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