
What is the nature and purpose of the family,?

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What is the nature and purpose of the family,

# in the political Dimension

# a Social Unit

# As Definite in theology

Thank you




  1. It's purpose is to procreate and multiply, then teach the offspring to survive until such time they are self proficient. Then use their guiding maturity as elders to influence advents within the tribe for the greater good.

  2. In the political dimension it shouldn't have anything to do with anything. In the other regards, it is an obligation of members of the family to help each other (like in theology, the duty of the children to respect their parents, and the obligation of the parents to support their children).

  3. For regeneration and survival.

  4. I know the root word of Family (familia in latin) means slave. Ties in to marriage and finding labour for their farms.women were first stolen but eventually women were married off as slaves but it just got nicer as society became more complex (weddings, rings, dating etc)

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