Do you really think that humans have free will.. that we are the masterminds behind our actions? Or do you think that everything is a chain reaction and that our thoughts, emotions, actions, and behavior are all due to chemicals, hormones, conditioning, and experience.
Basically.. if you can find a reason for why you did something, then you were not operating under a free will scenario.
example: "I CHOSE with FREE WILL to eat the hamburger instead of the hotdog"
in reality, you chose to eat the hamburger because you like hamburgers. you like them because of advertisements, conditioning, experience, your physical makeup, your general mood that day -based on interactions with outside systems..
the only choice you had was to choose the hamburger.. because that was what you were supposed to do.
Tell me what you think, and give me a really good reason why you think we have free will
And if you use biblical references to prove your point then.. well, i'm sorry that you were raised that way.