
What is the nature of job in Accounting field, specially in an accounting firm? ?

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After a typical 4 year college degree in accounting, one may get into an accounting firm. I'm wondering what do they do? Sit in front of a computer screen with Excel sheet open, for 10 hours everyday to make $700 a week?




  1. Yes and no. When you start in an Accounting firm, you have to go through the ranks. Someone has got to do the grunt work (filing, copying, leg work) and this is the junior's job.

    Then comes the senior level junior (after about 2 years) where you send your minions to to the grunt work so you can slave in front of the computer and work with spreadsheets.

    Then you become and Audit Manager (or another similar title) where by you don't do as much as the spreadsheet work, you just finalize it and present it. You will however have many more files work on.

    If you've persevered through all this, and have not had a heart attack yet (accounting second highest heart attack rate in all jobs) then you make partner, where you get a superb salary, for going to lunch meetings and getting new clients while playing a round of 18.

    Man I love my field :)

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