
What is the nature of the universe?

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Where does it come from? Of what is it made? How did it come to exist? What is its purpose? By what process does it change? Is it evolving or devolving? Does it function by itself or would it degenerate to chaos without some kind of intelligent control?




  1. The Big bang made the Universe, or so scientists believe.

  2. Where did it come from? This has to be pasted, I refuse to type it all!

    "Naturalism, challenging the cogency of the cosmological, teleological, and moral arguments, holds that the universe requires no supernatural cause and government, but is self-existent, self-explanatory, self-operating, and self-directing, that the world-process is not teleological and anthropocentric, but purposeless, deterministic (except for possible tychistic events), and only incidentally productive of man; that human life, physical, mental, moral and spiritual, is an ordinary natural event attributable in all respects to the ordinary operations of nature; and that man's ethical values, compulsions, activities, and restraints can be justified on natural grounds, without recourse to supernatural sanctions, and his highest good pursued and attained under natural conditions, without expectation of a supernatural destiny."

    Dictionary of Philosophy

    That of course is the explanation of people who do not believe in God. But I have not ever read a better written theological explanation, as far as the bare facts of the belief are concerned.

    A simpler way to put this same explanation is to say:

    "Existence is a self-sufficient primary. It is not a product of a supernatural dimension, or of anything else. There is nothing antecedent to existence, nothing apart from it—and no alternative to it. Existence exists—and only existence exists. Its existence and its nature are irreducible and unalterable."

    Leonard Peikoff “The Analytic-Synthetic Dichotomy,” from

    Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology; by Ayn Rand

    And what is the purpose of this universe? Well, obviously I do not believe it has any teleological or theological purpose. It was not created, has always existed, will always exist, and is not cognizant of of its own existence.

    Therefore the only purpose it has is that purpose which life give it. In the case of Man, that is what ever purpose he wishes to put it to.

  3. Good for you that you are asking.

  4. 1.No answer

    2.Mostly Dark Matter and Daken Energy, then Hydrogen, Helium.

    3.Too many theories

    4.To exist

    5.It is expanding


    7.Most likely, it need something to keep it in line, maybe a really big stick!

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