
What is the naughtiest thing you have ever done at school?

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What is the naughtiest thing you have ever done at school?




  1. Taking a frisbee during recess & knocking the transformer off the telephone line so we lost power & had to go home early.

    Another time, I found a mouse & threw it into the girls' locker room while they were all changing for gym period!

  2. the thing which i have done is i switched off the full electricity of the school and hearing and watching videos in mp4 and eating snacks while teacher is teaching

  3. got the microwave to catch on fire

  4. I pushed my friend in the pool, in his clothes. At practice

  5. i made fun of who someone liked and he got upset and we almost got into a physical fight and faked that i was sick to get out of school

  6. Lied to my teacher.

    Ditched. (I STILL can't believe i made it)

    Faked like I was sick just to go home.

  7. lloked inside girls changing rooms

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