
What is the navy like

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My husband is going to join the navy what am I looking at as a wife. I am scared excited someone tell me what will happen to us?




  1. No one can really tell you what to expect. It depends on the type of job he has. The previous answer is incorrect. Some navy jobs (seabees/ construction) workers never go on ships. They only work on land.

    It will get stressful sometimes and the image you see of the military on tv is only on tv. When a college wants to paint a good picture of its school, they show all the students studying and being productive but we know it's not all like that. Military is the same when they show troops acting real patriotic and things, thats mostly a tv thing.

    He will meet all kinds of people from good people to bad people to wierd people. He'll meet professional people and some gang members and some racist skin head types in there.

    It's really a mixed bag of people and experiences. Don't believe the recruiters because they lie thier asses off.

    No one can really tell you what you'll think of it until you've lived it yourself.

    He might like it & he might not, only time will tell.

  2. I don't know about that schedule... none of my commands were ever that regular, then again, that was mostly during the Cold War, when fast attack submarines were on very fluid schedules and forward ops were pretty frequent for the surface fleets.

    It depends on what training he has as well, most ratings are on a regular sea/shore rotation, but some are primarily shore based.

  3. half of every three month period will be at sea, in blocks as long as two or three weeks and as short as one day, this goes on for twelve months then the ship goes out for six months consecutively.

    I think that fairly covers the driving force behind all the changes you will experience.

    EDIT- When joining the Navy it is wise to assume you will be serving aboard a ship, that's what the Navy is about...ship's, they preform other functions, but the Navy is primarily concerned with ships.
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