
What is the nearesrt train/metrolink stop to the city of manchester stadium?

by Guest32259  |  earlier

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What is the nearesrt train/metrolink stop to the city of manchester stadium?




  1. As AdelleStevens says, there are no particularly handy stops - there's a walking route signposted from Piccadilly station to Sport City, but it's quite a distance. Piccadilly's as far as the Metrolink goes in that direction for the moment, too.

  2. get a 216 bus from Piccadilly from ouside Nobles.It stops right outside the stadium and they run every few minutes.There isn't a metrolink stop near.Hope this helps

  3. There is'nt a convenient station sited nearby.

    The best way to get there is by bus from either Shudehill bus station (Manchester victoria railway station 2 mins walk )or Piccadilly gardens(Piccadilly railway station 5 mins walk or tram to shudehill).

    The nearest stations would be Ashburys a very infrequent sevice stops there or Ardwick (Hadfield/Glossop line)and its quite a walk to the stadium from both of these.

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