
What is the need for Red Crescent?

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What is the need for Red Crescent?




  1. To do all what Red Cross doest in Christian Countries

  2. Some country's eg Saudi Arabia, are very hostile to any cross symbols so there is the red crescent.

  3. you do know that the symbol of the Crusaders was the red cross.....right?

  4. Form a real question and get a real answer.

  5. The Muslims do not want to use the infidel sign, the Red Cross. Hence they insisted on the Red Crescent. But they are hypocritical because they do not recognise Red Star of David for the Israeli organisation. As usual, one rule for the Muslims, one other rule for the infidels.

  6. They seve the same purpose as, and are affiliated with the Red Cross

  7. It is the counterpart of the Red Cross.  

    The Red Crescent's system of operations understand the needs and religious requirements for people who are mostly Muslim in religion.  Islam is the second biggest religion in the world.

    It facilitates relief and aid for countries where the Red Cross aren't welcome and can't be present.

  8. The Red Cross, Red Cresent are both unified groups in order to help humanity.

    But the Ree Cross symbolises a Christian group, that is why a Red Cresent was formed to symbolise help for Muslims.

    But now Jews want one, as will all the religions. I think there is a Red Star though that is situated in large Jewish areas like U.S.A, Israel, Argentina and Iran.

    I personally think the whole charity group should just be called "Red", what do you think?

  9. It's a universal symbol...

    The emblems of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, under the Geneva Conventions, are to be placed on humanitarian and medical vehicles and buildings to protect them from military attack on the battlefield. There are four such emblems, three of which are in use: the Red Cross, the Red Crescent, and the Red Crystal. The Red Lion and Sun is also a recognized emblem, but is no longer in use.

    The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement follows, in addition to the above core principles, the principle of neutrality. For the Red Cross, neutrality means not to take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature.

  10. As Joannah said, Most of Red Crescent works are in Islamic countries

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